Weeds are opportunistic growers and will take advantage of the growing conditions provided in your landscaping. Once established, landscape weeds can be difficult to eliminate so it is best to address the problem early on and maintain a preventative regimen to keep weeds from waging war on your plantings. A combination of both pre and post-emergent herbicides is best to tackle existing weeds while protecting your landscape from any seeds waiting to germinate.

How to Treat

  1. Prevention – One of the best ways to prevent weeds is to maintain a thick cover of landscaping materials that can suppress undesired seeds. Popular options include mulches and decorative rock. Additionally, pre-emergent herbicides should be applied to the area to prevent seeds from germinating for several months at a time. This is a very effective option to keep your landscape weed-free in the first place.
  2. Treatment – Once weeds have found their way into your landscape, a post-emergent herbicide is needed in order to entirely knock down the plants, including their root systems. Care should be taken not to allow the post-emergent herbicide to come in contact with any desired plants as it will harm or kill them if applied incorrectly. Always follow all instructions on the chemical label.

Recommend products are not guaranteed to resolve issues. For further assistance, please call a tree care professional 888-622-3983

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