Agapantha in a landscape close up
Agapantha flower close up


Agapanthus africanus

  • Tropical shrub with grassy foliage
  • Clusters beautiful blue flowers on long stems
  • Grow in shade or partial sun in well drained garden soil
Partial Sun
Hardiness Zones:
6 - 11
Bloom Colors:
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Evergreen perennial with grassy foliage and clusters of beautiful blue flowers on long stems. Bright green, knee-high foliage has a delicate appearance with dramatic clusters of trumpet-shaped blooms on top of long stems in late spring and fall. Best when grown in partial sun, protected from hot scorching afternoon sun. Prepare soil with a generous amount of planting mix and provide good drainage. Agapanthus like slightly acidic soil so deep water and regular applications of Moon Dust will help them look and bloom their best. Water deeply and keep the soil slightly moist in warm weather. Agapanthus are good accent plants in Tropical and Mediterranean landscapes and very effective in mass plantings.


Aaron F

Riviera Beach, FL

"These grass looking plants are nice, they have big tall blooms of flowers in the spring and last year with the mild winter here we had blooms. They last a while and are pretty clean so far. The plants we got from the nursery are super healthy looking and they were overflowing the containers when we bought them. "


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