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Ixora Shrubs


Ixora coccinea

  • Blooms Early Summer
  • Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
Full Sun/Partial Shade
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 11
Schedule Design Consultation

Ixora can bring the colorful look of the tropics straight into your landscape! Native to Southern India and Sri Lanka, Ixora coccinea (botanical name) are fast becoming one of the most popular shrubs for our area. There are more than 400 varieties, and when they bloom, they feature a wide range of colors that can transform any garden. Some of the most common colorful blooms include red, yellow, orange, white and pink. These colors contrast beautifully with the dark green foliage, so we love to plant them in any yard that could use a splash of vibrant color. These medium sized shrubs are a fine choice for our area as they can take the heat as well as the humidity we have here in Houston.

Ixora shrubs require very little maintenance, so they are an excellent choice for anyone to grow and are also perfect for any low-maintenance landscape. For the best-looking blooms, grow them in a spot that gets plenty of full sun exposure and give them low to moderate water once established. Since these plants respond well to shearing, we also like to use them as an attractive low hedge!

Revamp your landscape and add curb appeal that can increase property value. Ask us how Ixora shrubs and other plants and trees can do it! We offer free home landscape design consultations to customers who are looking for additional guidance in what to do with their yard or landscape. We can pick the perfect plants and trees for the perfect spot in your yard, and do all the work too!


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