lantana Irene

Lantana Irene

Lantana camara 'Irene'

  • Requires minimal care
  • Fills your landscape with vibrantly colored flower clusters that change colors as they age
  • Year-round foliage
Full Sun
Bloom Colors:
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With minimal care, Lantana Irene can fill your landscape with vibrantly colored flower clusters that change colors as they age. These bright colors range from yellow, to hot pink, and fuchsia red and this long blooming season last from spring through fall! This Lantana camara 'Irene' hybrid is a shorter or low growing shrub, so they are ideal used in a mixed border and planted along pathways and curbs, adding value along the way. We love to plant these moderate to fast growing beauties for filling an area with a bright splash of color, quickly!

Lantana camara 'Irene' loves to grow in our climate. It can tolerate a broad range of soils and can take the heat. These are drought tolerant once established with little to moderate watering required. They are tolerant of pollution too, so they are also an excellent choice for city gardens. This Lantana variety thrives in a spot with plenty of full sun exposure and is sure to attract butterflies when in bloom!

Anyone looking for a plant with an almost non-stop bloom of bright flowers will love 'Irene.' With so many valuable attributes, it is easy to see why this low-maintenance plant is so popular around our area. Need additional guidance? Our nursery pros will be glad to help you whether you are doing a backyard makeover or working on a blank slate. We love to do the work!

Moon Valley Nurseries has been growing Lantana Irene here in our local climate for over 20 years, from our premium quality specimens. We are proud to offer the perfect plants, trees, shrubs and more for the perfect spot in your yard!



Riviera Beach, FL

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