Palmer's agave in a landscape

Palmer's agave

Agave palmeri

  • Full sun
  • Drought tolerant once established
Hardiness Zones:
7 - 10
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Palmer’s Agave is a beautiful succulent, native to northern Mexico and the western United States. Also known as Palmer’s Century Plant, this agave has a history of being used as a food source in the region and for mescal production.

This agave grows in a rosette-shaped form with near-symmetrical leaves that grow up and curve away from the root. The green-gray leaves on the Palmer’s Agave can get up to two feet long and a few inches wide. This plant can grow fast and up to four feet tall and wide.

We love designing with succulents because of how low maintenance they are all year, and Palmer’s Agave is no different. This succulent variety can be planted in any location in your landscape as it will thrive in partial shade to full sun conditions. This agave does not need much water and becomes drought-tolerant once it established into the soil.

You can use Palmer’s Agave in any landscape style. Since it can also be planted anywhere in your yard, you can add to your design in any way that works best for you. This plant can be an excellent focal point for desert landscapes or as part of a xeriscape garden. Our nursery pros love to use this agave to add a different texture and more depth to any landscape style.


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