Santana Hibiscus

Santana Hibiscus

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Santana'

  • Full sun
  • Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
  • Great in pots!
  • Beautiful, bright showy flowers with fragrant aroma
Full Sun/Partial Sun
Hardiness Zones:
4 - 9
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This Tropical Hibiscus Santana variety is amongst the showiest of flowering plants, with an outstanding display of red, coral-peach, and yellow blossoms that is sure to fill any space with beautiful color! Making things even better for color lovers is that the multicolored, striped flower is considered to be extra-large by hibiscus standards and full of radiant beauty. Periodic blooms throughout the year contrast beautifully with the glossy, dark green leaves. Originating from China, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis'Santana' is a hybrid that grows tall and upright, so they are an excellent choice for hedges, mixed border use, or in foundation plantings. These beauties add plenty of curb appeal no matter how you choose to use them!

Santana Hibiscus loves to grow in a spot with plenty of full sun to partial sun exposures. With the proper fertilizer, this tropical hibiscus will develop beautifully! Available at Moon Valley Nurseries is the ideal fertilizer for your dense soil, so be sure to pick some up while you are here! Feel free to use them in a pot, and they are versatile enough to grow indoors or out. Either way, once established they require low to moderate watering. Give them a little TLC, and they will reward you with big and beautiful flowers!

Visit any of our Moon Valley Nurseries throughout the Southwest and handpick the perfect Santana Hibiscus to fall in love with. We grow them from premium quality specimens and assure their quality is the best you will find anywhere! We nurture everything we grow in our local climate, so our trees, shrubs, and other plants are ready to thrive and beautify any landscape!


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