
3 in 1 Apple Tree

Malus domestica ‘3 in 1’

  • Full Sun
  • Medium size tree
  • 3 different apple varieties on one tree
  • Easy to grow
  • Beautiful early spring blooms
  • Self-fruiting
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
5 - 8
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Nothing can be more rewarding than growing your own sustainable fruit right in your backyard. The 3 in 1 apple tree features 3 different apple varieties all grown on one tree. With low chill hours required, this sun loving, easy to grow apple tree makes are perfect for planting in the southwest.

These apple trees work wonderfully in nearly any setting and are great for smaller areas where you’d like to grow multiple varieties but have limited room. Being one of the earliest blooming trees of the year, the 3 in 1 apple not only gives you sustainable fruit but also beautiful color. Their pink and white blossoms will cover the tree and create a sweet aroma throughout the air. These medium-sized trees will also grow to provide shade during the hotter summer months. They can even be grown in pots and on patios.

Growing your own fruit means you get to oversee how they’re cared for. You'll feel better knowing exactly where your food is produced plus get the sense of pride that comes with growing your own! At Moon Valley Nurseries, we have the fruit trees you want to get started on an edible landscape. Start growing your own today and taste the difference!

You’ll enjoy apples galore with 3 in 1 Apple trees. Come to visit any of our Moon Valley Nurseries and our professionals can help with an apple tree or an entire orchard! Be sure to maintain optimum health for all your trees, plants and more with Moon Valley’s custom-blended fertilizers and nutrients like Moon Dust, Supercharged Moon Juice, Moon Green and more.


Apple Mama

Riviera Beach, FL

"Love, love, love having different types of apples to pick from. Moon Valley Nurseries did a great job getting these planted for me in 2019 and it was easily the best purchase of my landscape! Thanks!"


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