African Tulip Orange
African Tulip
African Tulip Orange

African Tulip

Spathodea campanulata

  • Full sun
  • Water Wise - Ultra drought tolerant
  • Beautiful evergreen shade tree
  • Eye-catching blooms
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
10 - 13
Bloom Colors:
Schedule Design Consultation

The African Tulip tree, Spathodea campanulata, is an extremely showy, fast-growing large evergreen tree that brings magnificent beauty to landscapes. From tropical South Africa, this striking beauty features a dazzling display of tulip shaped scarlet to blood red flowers that stand out against its glossy deep green leaves. Birds, butterflies and pollinators are attracted to the bloom, creating a natural habitat teeming with small wildlife. It's a popular tree in Southern California as well as other regions in the Southwest. This tree is often seen adorning yards throughout the inland and coastal areas from San Diego to Orange County and into Hollywood and beyond.

An African Tulip tree is a great choice for Southwestern landscapes. It's drought tolerant once established, does well with full sun exposure and requires low to moderate water use. Moon Valley Nurseries grows and nurtures the finest specimens on our farms, ready to thrive and bring natural beauty into your landscape. We offer a variety of sizes available. A larger African Tulip tree will provide a good amount of shade to add some relief during those hot spring and summer months. It makes for an attractive place to rest and take in the natural beauty and small wildlife that's attracted to this tree. Plant one near a room that receives too much sunlight and you may be able to cool off the room and reduce utilities.

If you love the look of the tropics and want to bring it home, this beautiful African Tulip tree is an excellent choice. Make it a focal point in your yard and add curb appeal and value to your home. Feel free to speak with a Moon Valley Nurseries professional for placement ideas. or schedule a free design consultation. We recommend planting with the Moon Valley Nurseries line of fertilizers for spectacular results! If you buy a big tree, let our landscape crew do all the work. You buy it, we can deliver and plant it!


Luis S.

Riviera Beach, FL

"These blooms on this tree are crazy beautiful. You feel like you're in the jungle when they are leafed out and blooming. We bought one from the nursery and as soon as they started pop, we immediately went and bought 3 more LOL! These things are super healthy and so far have been pretty easy to care for. "


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