Australian Finger liime

Australian Finger Lime

Citrus australasica

  • A great landscape tree!
  • Allow to grow free form, too much pruning effects bloom cycles
  • Loves the heat
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
8 - 11
Schedule Design Consultation

An Australian Finger Lime is an unusual variety of citrus and perhaps one of the most fascinating! Native to Australia, Citrus australasica (botanical name) is sometimes called Citrus Caviar, and once you open one up, it is easy to see why! Inside the oblong fruit, which does look like a chubby finger, are an abundance of juicy capsules that look at lot like caviar, except these are bursting with sweet, lemon-lime flavors! Many of the world's top chefs have rated this lime superior to other limes! This lime is often used to make chutneys, jams, marmalades, sauces, and refreshing drinks! Grow this citrus tree, and once the exotic looking and great tasting fruit appear, they are guaranteed to attract attention for all the right reasons! Australian Finger Lime has been recently introduced to the U.S., and we are proud to offer these trees to our customers here in Houston!

Grow your own finger limes and be the envy of your neighborhood. Even better is the fact that you get to choose how to grow them, so feel free to grow organically and feel better about feeding pesticide-free food to your family. An Australian Finger Lime tree is attractive too, with dark green leaves and an abundance of tiny white flowers. This citrus tree prefers to grow in full sun and once established, requires low to moderate water.

Moon Valley Nursery custom-grows Australian Finger Lime trees so we can assure their quality. Visit any of our nurseries throughout Houston, and our nursery pros will help you handpick the perfect citrus trees for your landscape. Growing an edible landscape is an excellent way to save money while eating healthier too!



Riviera Beach, FL

"These weird looking little limes have these juicy little bulbs in them that remind me of boba, its a very rich lime flavor, almost like drink pure lime juice. Its a bit sweeter than your typical lime though. Very good. I made a grilled mahi with a pepper corn and the lime bulbs from this tree on it and it was... Chef's kiss!"


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