Brown Select Satsuma

Brown Select Satsuma

Citrus reticulata

  • Flowers attract butterflies
  • Beautiful, bright showy flowers with fragrant aroma
  • full sun
  • Drought tolerant once established
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 11
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This Brown Select Satsuma tree produces an excellent, medium to large sized, sweet tasting fruit that can be enjoyed right after picking off the tree. Mostly seedless, these are great fruits for juicing or enjoying the sweet flavor slice by slice! At Moon Valley Nurseries, we make it easy for you to have one of these fantastic tasting fruits within reach because we have them available at their already fruit producing age! We offer Brown Select Satsuma trees ready to bring the goodness straight into your landscape. Come visit any of our huge nursery locations and our nursery pros will be glad to help you select the fruit and citrus trees you want for all your landscaping needs. If you're looking to make an edible landscape, you've come to the right place!

As wonderful as the Satsuma fruit is, the tree also has many ornamental features. Its showy green/dark green foliage and wonderfully fragrant white flowers attract butterflies and are an added bonus to any landscape. It has a medium growth rate and is cold tolerant. Brown Select Satsuma trees require full sun and have low to moderate watering needs once established. It's also a tree that can tolerate most soils, so it's an excellent choice for the Houston area.

With proper fertilizer, Brown Select Satsuma trees will explode with growth. Moon Valley Nurseries has teamed up with the top fertilizer-producing nursery to design ideal fertilizers, supplements, liquids, and pellets ideal for treating Houston's dense soil with the nutrients and vitamins essential for growing a beautiful landscape.

Enjoy the taste of homegrown fruit, they always taste better and you know exactly where the fruit is coming from! Let us do the digging! Our professional planting and delivery service will get any sized order planted into your landscape and treated with specialized fertilizers that get your plants growing just right!



Riviera Beach, FL

"The fruit from this tree is tasty! We followed MVN instructions and our growth was spot on. "


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