Chinese Fan Palm
Chinese Fan Palm

Chinese Fan Palm

Livistona chinensis

  • This tree makes a great upright hedges, screens, and borders or can be used as a smaller patio tree
  • Grows well in pots and containers
  • A great landscape tree!
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 11
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There are many reasons to love the Chinese Fan Palm. They have a wide-spreading crown, with drooping, weeping fronds that will stay low to the ground when young and they can grow to be a large sized palm that can provide a canopy of shade! Native to southern Japan, Taiwan and the south China Sea Islands, Livistona chinensis (botanical name) is also an excellent privacy plant, so we also love to plant them in any landscape as the greatest lush, tropical hedge we can find! It's also known as the Fountain Palm because of the way the frond's tips create a falling, fountain-like appearance. You can't help but feel calm around the graceful drooping fronds, so they are great for making a restful, shady spot in your landscape.

The Chinese Fan Palm has a slow growth rate and prefer full sun to partial shade exposures. Since they are not too particular about soils, they are a great choice for planting in the Houston area. They are hardy palms, and once established can survive extended periods of drought and colder temperatures with no ill effect. These palm trees get extra bonus points for their ease of care and low maintenance features!

Young or mature, Chinese Fan Palms are sure to add curb appeal and can add value to your property. We have them available in a variety of sizes! We recommend speaking with one of our Moon Valley Nursery professionals for placement ideas or you can always schedule your free home and business landscape consultation.


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