Guadalupe Fan Palms
Guadalupe Fan Palm Frond

Guadalupe Fan Palm

Brahea edulis

  • Full sun
  • Water Wise - Ultra drought tolerant
  • Easy to grow
  • Beautiful resort-style miniature fan palm
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 11
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Create your own living palm paradise. Originating on Guadalupe Island off the west Mexico coast, the Guadalupe Fan Palm or Brahea edulis is perfectly suited for the Southern California and Mediterranean climate areas. It is a popular tropical-looking palm often utilized as an accent palm and planted in both residential and commercial plantings. It is a popular and excellent choice for an Oasis setting and xeriscape design themes. The single trunk Guadalupe Fan Palm can grow up to 40-feet high and features light green, coarse texture costapalmate fronds that can reach up to 9-feet wide.

Brahea edulis palms are cold hardy, thrive in full sun environments, and need very little watering most of the year. In very hot zones, such as the desert, irrigate regularly and deeply during hot summer months. Expect a slow growth rate especially when young. However, Moon Valley Nurseries is able to bring the tropical paradise look to your landscape right away. Moon Valley Nurseries features ready-to-transport, matured Guadalupe Fan Palms nurtured and pruned by our nursery pros. Once the Guadalupe Fan Palm has been established in your landscape, maintaining the look is simple. Pruning can be as simple as removing old or dead fronds.

The Guadalupe Fan Palm features long-arching plumes of cream-colored flowers that make an appearance in May and June. This is a fruit-bearing palm tree too, with the fruit bearing a surprising similar taste to dates. Brahea edulis is an evergreen so it will stay green all year long, with minimal water and maintenance.

Can you imagine the Southwest and Southern California landscape without palm trees lining the streets and adorning yards? Us either. If you are new to palms, the Guadalupe Fan Palm is an excellent choice for a tropical look. Your very own tropical paradise begins with a visit to one of our Moon Valley Nurseries.


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