Hamlin Sweet Orange Close-up
Hamlin Sweet Orange Trees in Nursery

Hamlin Sweet Orange Tree

Citrus sinensis 'Hamlin'

  • A great landscape tree!
  • Allow to grow free form, too much pruning effects bloom cycles
  • Loves the heat
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 11
Bloom Colors:
Schedule Design Consultation

Sweet and juicy, the Hamlin orange has few to no seeds, making it one of the best sweet oranges for eating or juicing. Hamlin is a medium to large evergreen tree that's cold hardy and very productive in the Houston area. The fruit ripens October to January and you can expect a high yield to keep you juicing with sweet oranges and toasting to good health. Yes, these are sweet and juicy, bursting with lots of flavor!

As tasty as they are for eating and juicing, Hamlin orange trees are also an attractive addition to landscapes. It's a beautiful evergreen with lush bright green foliage that looks fantastic in yards and attracts birds and butterflies. Heavily fragrant blooms are pleasing to the senses, so it's a good idea to plant some tucked around your windows to let the sweet fragrance fill the home. Homeowners may also want to use Hamlin orange trees to line pathways or use as hedges. No matter how you choose to plant one, it is sure to offer benefits the entire family will love!

With proper fertilizer, Hamlin orange trees will explode with growth. Moon Valley Nurseries has teamed up with the top fertilizer-producing nursery to design ideal fertilizers, supplements, liquids, and pellets ideal for treating Houston's dense soil with the nutrients and vitamins essential for growing a beautiful landscape.

Homegrown oranges always taste better! Try some for yourself. Come visit one of our huge Moon Valley Nursery locations and our nursery pro's will be glad to help you select the perfect trees for your landscaping needs.

Let us do the digging! Our professional planting and delivery service will get any sized order planted into your landscape and treated with specialized fertilizers that get your plants growing just right. We love to do the work!


Bret B

Riviera Beach, FL

"Planted one of these, a lemon and lime tree. All fruit are good and plentyful. We get so much, we have to give a lot of it away. "


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