Hass Avocado Close-up
Hass Avocado Tree
Hass Avocado Trees
Hass Avocado Trees in Nursery

Hass Avocado

Persea americana 'Hass'

  • Low water use tree
  • full sun
  • Grow your own avocados!
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
8 - 11
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Hass Avocado trees produce the creamy and 'oh-so-tasty' Hass avocado, a favorite for eating whole, making homemade guacamole, spreading on toast, and more! There is no denying that homegrown avocados taste much better than those you buy at the store. Think of all the money you'll be saving once this tree is producing fruit! Persea americana 'Hass' thrives in our area! We love to plant them on any landscape!

The Hass is much more than a bearer of one of the world's healthiest and tastiest fruit. This avocado tree is a medium to large evergreen with lush green foliage. Bigger specimens can provide shade and block unwanted views! We like to plant them as patio trees, near fence lines, and anyplace in your yard where you can quickly pick your avocados!

By growing your avocado tree, you can allow them to reach full maturity on the tree. This way, you can be assured of having the richest flavored avocados.

Hass Avocado trees thrive in a spot with full sun exposure. They have low to moderate watering needs once established. Though Hass are self-pollinating, we recommend planting two or more to get the best fruit production in your landscape.

Once you harvest the fruit, set them on the counter and the fruit will soften in seven to 21 days. Homegrown fruit is a fun and easy way to save money and live a healthier lifestyle! Know where your food comes from. Toast to good eating!

We love to do the work! Our professional planting and delivery service will get any sized order planted and treated with our specialized Supercharged Moon Juice and Moon Dust fertilizer to get your plants growing just right.





"Moon Valley Nursery is the GOAT! They helped me out with two of these Avocado trees and gave me the crash course on how to care for them. My trees have already produced many AWESOME avocados! Spread on some toast, with some EVOO and red pepper flakes. WOW! No more overpriced avocados for me! Go do yourself a favor, stop by Moon Valley, and buy a few of these. You'll be thankful you did. "


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