Madagascar Palm

Madagascar Palm

Pachypodium lamerei

  • Grows in full sun or part sun
  • Commonly found at upscale resorts, commercial facilities and shopping areas
  • Popular along the streets of many cities
  • Popular in coastal landscapes
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 11
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The Madagascar Palm may look like a small palm, but it is actually an easy-to-grow, succulent shrub with an interesting shiny silver trunk. The crown displays long, narrow green leaves that only grow at the top of the trunk, like a palm tree. Native to Madagascar, this exotic specimen looks incredible whether planted in an outdoor garden or kept in a beautiful pot and used as a houseplant.

Sure to be a conversation starter, this unique-looking beauty will thrive in full sun or partial shade environments and loves bright light. If used as a houseplant, be sure to place this plant in a well-lit part of your home. This engaging plant can really shine when planted outdoors with other Madagascar Palms. Some homeowners may want to plant this unique-looking Madagascar Palm in their front yard or backyard for use in a subtropical or tropical landscape theme.

While the Madagascar Palm can stay indoors and grow in the same pot for many years, this succulent shrub loves to grow outdoors in a group with other palms and cacti. Since they are moderately salt-tolerant, they are a good choice for coastal environments as well. They and are sure to bring year-round interest to any landscape in the Southwest.

Bigger, mature plants may bloom lightly fragrant, trumpet-shaped white flowers that give this plant its unique, Plumeria-like features. It requires low to moderate water use once established and has a slow growth rate. Due to its slow growth rate, buy as big as you can to experience all of the pleasing features of a mature Madagascar Palm. Come visit one of our huge nurseries and our nursery pros will be happy to help you select the perfect Madagascar Palm for your landscaping needs.

At Moon Valley Nurseries, we grow and nurture the finest Madagascar Palm specimens in the Southwest. Let our landscape crew do all the work. You buy it, we plant it!™



Riviera Beach, FL

"I have a few of these in my yard now and I always get compliments on them!"


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