Minnie Royal Cherry close up on the tree.

Minnie Royal Cherry

Prunus avium 'Minnie Royal

  • Medium to large cherries
  • Intense flavor
  • Deep red, thin skin, medium tone flesh
  • Reliable production
  • Low-chill cultivar
Hardiness Zones:
7 - 10
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This medium to large-sized, extra flavorful cherry tree requires minimal winter cooling and is ideal for reliable production here in our region. Look for beautiful cherry blossoms in the late winter to early spring with bountiful fruit usually at optimum ripeness by mid to late May depending on the weather during the period. For best pollination and fruit production plant in close proximity to a different cherry variety (Royal Lee is recommended).

Minnie Royal Cherry trees flourish in full sun (afternoon shade in warmer micro-climates) and once established will require only medium watering. These are attractive small to medium-size trees with rich green foliage intermixed with bright red fruit that adds a nice contrast of color into any landscape. Adding to their ornamental features are beautiful white blossoms that arrive in spring. They're an ideal size for most yards and can even be grown in larger containers.

Growing your own fruit means you oversee how they’re cared for. You'll feel better knowing exactly where your food is produced plus get the sense of pride that comes with growing your own!  At Moon Valley Nurseries, we have the citrus and fruit trees you want to get started on an edible producing landscape. So, get growing your own today and taste the difference!

Enjoy years of cherry production with the Minnie Royal cherry tree. Come to visit any of our Moon Valley Nurseries and our professionals can help with a cherry tree or starting your own orchard! Be sure to maintain optimum health for all your trees, plants and more with Moon Valley’s custom-blended fertilizers and nutrients like Moon Dust, Supercharged Moon Juice, Moon Green and more.

*Please check your local Moon Valley Nurseries for availability*


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