Needle Palm with person
Needle Palm with person

Needle Palm

Rhapidophyllum hystrix

  • Small, slower growing accent palm
  • Clumping style growth adds lots of character to compact areas
  • Very easy to grow and requires little maintenance
  • Tolerates a wide variety of conditions - high heat and very cold resistant
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
6 - 11
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The Needle Palm is one of the hardiest palms in the world! It is a small, slower growing, clumping palm from the coastal southeastern U.S. Needle Palms have striking good looks. With their smooth stems and dramatic, dark green, fan shaped fronds, they are sure to bring a sharp look to any landscape in the Southwest. This palm grows into wide, shrubby clumps, adding its unique character to any landscape application.

Plant a few Needle Palms in your yard to create a dramatic look that is sure to impress you and your neighbors. An ideal choice for use as an accent plant, homeowners will appreciate its ability to withstand extreme temperatures as well as its low maintenance requirements. This small palm is sure to look great for many years, no matter where you choose to plant it. Feel free to speak with a Moon Valley Nurseries professional for placement ideas. Landscape design consultations are always free at our nursery locations!

Needle Palms will thrive in full sun or shade environments and will require low to moderate water use once established. Since it can tolerate a wide range of soils, it's an ideal small palm for a variety of landscapes in the Southwest. Easy to grow, Needle Palms are a good choice for growing under a patio to create a calming, shady spot in your backyard. Due to their slow-growing nature, buy as big as you can to enjoy the tranquil nature of a mature specimen. At Moon Valley Nurseries, we grow and nurture the finest specimens in our local climate, so they're ready to thrive in your yard!

Plant with Moon Valley Nurseries Super Charged Moon Juice™ and All Natural Planting Mulch for spectacular results. Let our experienced crew do all the work. "You buy it, we plant it!"™


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