Owari Satsuma

Owari Satsuma

Citrus reticulata 'Owari'

  • A great landscape tree!
  • Allow to grow free form, too much pruning effects bloom cycles
  • Loves the heat
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
8 - 10
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Owari Satsuma is a small sized tree that can produce a sweet and juicy, medium-sized seedless fruit in large quantities. The fruit ripens early and many people claim that it looks, tastes and peels just like Clementines. Plant one of these trees in your landscape and enjoy a sweet and delicious fruit that can provide a much needed dose of Vitamin C all winter long! Thanks to Moon Valley Nurseries, it's easy to have one of these sweet and tasty fruits within reach. We have them available right now at fruit producing age. Come visit any of our huge nursery locations to see them for yourself! We'll be glad to help you pick the perfect specimen.

This small fruit bearing tree features attractive green foliage color and fragrant white flowers that fill the air with a pleasing aroma. Plant one near a window and let the wonderful fragrance fill the home. Owari Satsuma trees need partial to full sun exposures and low to moderate watering once established. Homeowners can choose to grow one in a container or let its attractive, spreading form be utilized as an accent or focal point in a landscape. It can also be used as an attractive espalier!

Grow your own Owari Satsuma mandarin orange and taste the difference of homegrown fruit. Everyone that grows their own fruit will tell you that there is added peace of mind knowing exactly where your food comes from. Our professional planting and delivery service will get any sized order planted into your landscape and treated with specialized fertilizers that get your plants growing just right. We love to do the work, so let our professional crew do it all!



Riviera Beach, FL

"Very juicy fruit and easy to peel. Moon Valley Nursery grows very good trees. Thanks guys!"


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