Red Delicious Apple Tree
Red Delicious Apples On Tree

Red Delicious Apple

Malus domestica ‘Red Delicious’

  • Full Sun
  • Medium size tree
  • Vibrant red fruit
  • Juicy, sweet-tasting, crisp white flesh
  • Beautiful early spring blooms
  • Self-fruiting
Hardiness Zones:
4 - 8
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 The Red Delicious Apple tree is a beautiful tree to have in any landscape, giving you something to admire nearly year-round. These medium-sized trees produce large deep red apples with juicy, crisp white flesh. Nothing can be more rewarding than growing your own sustainable fruit right in your backyard. The Red Delicious Apple Tree work very well in our climate, and are all grown locally to give you the best-tasting fruit right from your tree to your table.  

Red Delicious Apple trees are easy to grow for and work in nearly all landscape settings. These trees produce color nearly year-round, from dark branching, vibrant foliage, beautiful blooms, and large, sweet apples. They can also be planted with other types of fruit and citrus to help you create your own sustainable landscape. These trees begin blooming in late winter to early spring depending on the climate. Offering large clusters of showy white and pink blooms these trees add beauty along with the benefits of producing delicious apples. Like all fruit trees, the Red Delicious Apple requires regular watering and fertilization in order to produce the best-tasting fruit. Once established these trees become low to moderate water users.

Growing your own fruit means you get to oversee how they’re cared for. You'll feel better knowing exactly where your food is produced plus get the sense of pride that comes with growing your own! At Moon Valley Nurseries, we have the fruit trees you want to get started on an edible landscape. Start growing your own today and taste the difference!

You’ll enjoy apples galore with Red Delicious Apple trees. Come to visit any of our Moon Valley Nurseries and our professionals can help with an apple tree or an entire orchard! Be sure to maintain optimum health for all your trees, plants and more with Moon Valley’s custom-blended fertilizers and nutrients like Moon Dust, Supercharged Moon Juice, Moon Green and more.


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