Royal Palm

Royal Palm

Roystonea regia

  • Commonly found at upscale resorts, commercial facilities and shopping areas
  • Considered one of the most beautiful palms in the world
  • Graceful, airy, deep green fronds
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
10 - 11
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The Royal Palm is a stately medium to large palm tree ideal for use on a variety of landscape styles, particularly for use in the coastal areas of the Southwest from San Diego to Santa Barbara. It's a sturdy palm, featuring that classic 'upscale palm' look found in many world class resorts. It's the perfect option if you're looking to add instant tropical flare to your landscape.

This stately palm is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful palms in the world. This beauty is complementary to all palms, so feel free to plant it in your tropical themed landscape or use it in groups for a resort style look.

The Royal Palm loves the sun and requires low to moderate water once established. It's a drought tolerant palm that is sure to be an essential focal point in any tropical garden. It does exceptionally well in nearly all soil conditions both near the coast and inland. It's a beautiful palm during the day and at night, and is a perfect candidate for night lighting thanks to its stateliness, attractive green color, and spectacular feathered palm fronds.

This Royal Palm features a slow to moderate growth rate, so buy as big as you can to enjoy the beauty of this magnificent palm in your landscape today. Moon Valley Nurseries grows and nurtures the finest Royal Palm specimens in our local climate, so they're ready to add curb appeal and value into your landscape right away.

Feel free to speak with our nursery pro for placement ideas or take advantage of our free professional landscape design consultation. Plant with Moon Valley Nurseries Super Charged Moon Juice and All Natural Planting Mulch for spectacular results. Let us do all the work: design, delivery, and installation, we do it right! From our farms to your yard!™


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