

Thevetia peruviana

  • Ideal for desert and low water usage landscapes
  • Large yellow blooms during late spring and fall
  • Looks fantastic and provides big benefits for a small tree
  • Loves full sun exposures
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 11
Bloom Colors:
Schedule Design Consultation

Thevetia, also known as Yellow Oleander, are small to medium trees that LOVE the heat. In fact, they thrive in full sun and will bloom all year long if the winters are warm. Fragrant, yellow to apricot-colored flowers can provide year-round appeal, especially in places such as the Southwest, where it's a landscaping favorite. With high heat hardiness and low to moderate water use once established, this low-maintenance evergreen tree is sure to be a perfect addition to your landscape.

This Southwestern favorite is often used for hedge material, adding a colorful privacy screen to a variety of landscape styles. It's commonly seen as a multi-trunk tree against hot walls, patios, and entryways, adding a luxuriant tropical effect wherever it's planted. This is a fantastic tree for use in groups and shrub borders. Yellow Oleander can grow quickly and once the flowers bloom, expect pollinators and hummingbirds to flock into your landscape area. The contrast between the yellow flowers and green foliage is sure to impress! Feel free to speak with a Moon Valley Nurseries professional for placement and design ideas.

Thevetia peruviana has many benefits. A mature Yellow Oleander tree can establish a large umbrella-shaped canopy that can provide shade wherever you choose to plant it. It's easy to see why so many homeowners are attracted to this tree - its fragrant long-lasting blossoms and luxurious tropical look can be seductive. Moon Valley Nurseries grows and nurtures the finest Yellow Oleander trees for sale, ready to thrive in your landscape.

Homeowners with smaller yards will appreciate the size and minimal cleanup features of this tree. Be sure to plant with Moon Valley Nurseries fertilizer products for spectacular results. Let us do the work, from design to installation! You buy it, we can deliver and plant it!


Janelle Gumont

"I love these trees! Thank you Moon Valley Nurseries for helping me find my favorite tree! They look like something i'd find in Hawaii, but hardly need any water and love the desert sun. Mine have survived the hottest summers, and I almost never have to water them, yet they look lush and beautiful all the time. The flowers are awesome and attract lots of hummingbirds and butterflies into my yard. "


"This stunning tree attracts hummingbirds and bees, it's fantastic!!!"


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