Triangle Palm specimen
Triangle palm in nursery
Huge Triangle Palm

Triangle Palm

Dypsis decaryi

  • Distinctive triangular shaped growth pattern
  • Hardy palm that loves the sun and heat
  • Rare and unique Madagascar native not often seen in many landscapes
  • Can be grown indoors or outdoors in full sun or partial shade
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
10 - 13
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The Triangle Palm is an attractive small to medium sized palm tree noted for its meticulously arranged fronds that form the shape of a triangle. Native to the Madagascar rainforest, this tropical palm tree looks right at home when used as a striking ornamental palm here in Southwestern landscapes. People looking to bring the tropical look home will find much to love about this stunning specimen. The blue-green fronds contrast beautifully when mixed with other trees and plants.

A fast grower once established, the Triangle Palm grows extremely well whether planted indoors or outdoors. It looks great when planted in narrow areas, making it a suitable palm for tract housing or wherever there is a need to plant in narrow spaces. It's an especially showy palm tree thanks to its aesthetically pleasing and unique form and showy, colorful yellow and green flowers.

Regular pruning will keep this palm looking its best. It is a drought tolerant plant that will require low water once established. It can tolerate a light, brief frost too, so it's perfect for landscapes across the Southwest.

Display the beauty of this unique palm tree day or night. Install nighttime lighting from behind or below and highlight its unique triangular form and spectacular leaves. At Moon Valley Nurseries, we grow and nurture beautiful Triangle Palms at our farms, in our local climate, ready to thrive in your landscape.

Come see our amazing selection of Triangle Palms. We will be happy to show you around and help you select the perfect specimen for your landscaping needs. We offer free professional design consultations at our nurseries! Plant and upkeep with Moon Valley Nurseries Super Charged Moon Juice™ and All Natural Planting Mulch for spectacular results. Let our experienced crew do all the work. "You buy it, we plant it!"™


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