Weeping Fig tree in Front Yard
Weeping Fig trees in Nursery
Weeping Fig tree

Weeping Fig

Ficus benjamina

  • A sensational privacy hedge
  • Grows well in pots and containers
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 12
Schedule Design Consultation

The Weeping Fig has a dense, rounded canopy and gracefully drooping branches so that it can provide a good amount of shade cover! From India and Malaysia, they are also known by their botanical name, Ficus benjamina, and these large trees can tolerate severe pruning, so we also like to use mature trees as a privacy hedge to block out unwanted views! These evergreen trees have a generous amount of thick and shiny green leaves that bring the right amount of greenery to any location! Younger trees are just as attractive and perfect for an entranceway or used as a patio tree!

Ficus benjamina have a high drought tolerance, so once established, they will require little to moderate water. Weeping Fig has a fast growth rate and will grow in full sun or partial shade. These are also a favorite houseplant, so if you plan to grow one indoors, you will be glad to know that they have a high tolerance for a variety of growing conditions. As a bonus, the Benjamin Fig requires very little maintenance!

Moon Valley Nurseries has Ficus benjamina for sale, grown and nurtured by our nursery pros in our local climate so that we can assure their quality. We have younger trees perfect for use as an indoor houseplant and mature trees, ready to thrive and bring the shade and privacy you want in your landscape!

A beautiful landscape is one of the best ways to increase property value. Ask us how! Moon Valley Nursery professionals offer free home and business landscape design consultations, and we will be glad to help you handpick the perfect Weeping Fig trees, shrubs, and other plants that can beautify any size landscape!


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