Cornelius Agave in the nursery

Cornelius Agave

Agave americana 'Cornelius'

  • Cold and heat tolerant
  • Variegated Rosettes - Green & Creamy Yellow Edged
  • Full sun
Full Sun/Partial Sun
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 11
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This dwarf agave is a bright unique addition to any landscape style. Plant in rock gardens, pots, borders or as lower filler near and around palm trees, shade trees, desert trees and more these agave are sure to add a splash of color and brighten up your yard. Cornelius Agave are in the Agave americana species and similar to the variegated agave in appearance but much smaller in mature height and width.

Agave americana 'Cornelius' are slower growers but are extremely hardy handling down to 17 degrees F. Plant in full sun or filtered sunlight these agaves grow well in many different soil conditions and are easy to get established. Long leaves growing from the center of the plant reaching 18 long and 6 " wide are easily recognizable by the blue-green center and yellow variegated outer leaf. Moon Valley Nurseries grows a large assortment of succulent plants and agaves and has been doing so for over 25 years. Stop into any of our locations and allow our expertly trained nursery pro's to help you select the best succulents for your yard.


Emily K.

Riviera Beach, FL

"My husband and I have a small spot on our front porch that use to have a gum tree, but it was getting too big. Long story short, we took our the gum tree and replaced it with two of these Agaves and used black rock to help them accent the area. We achieved a super clean and modern look!"


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