Pink oleander multi
Dwarf Oleander Pink
Pink oleander flowers
Dwarf Oleander Pink

Dwarf Oleander Pink

Nerium Oleander 'Petite Pink'

  • Full sun
  • Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
  • Lower maintenance & easy to grow!
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
8 - 10
Schedule Design Consultation

The Nerium Oleander'Petite Pink' or Dwarf Oleander Pink produces soft pink flowers and is easy to grow, so they are a favorite for use in a flower garden or as an informal flowering hedge. Native to the Mediterranean, these evergreen shrubs will still reward your landscape with a bounty of beautiful pink color even with minimal care. As great as they are for hedges, we also like to plant them around patios, borders or use them to add lots of colors when lining a walkway or driveway. Butterflies and hummingbirds love the periodic blooms throughout the year too!

Since Nerium Oleander'Petite Pink' is a dwarf variety, they are perfect for smaller yards, though they look just as attractive in larger landscapes too. They prefer to grow in a spot that gets plenty of full sun exposure. Once established, they have little to moderate water needs. Dwarf Oleander tolerates poor soils so that they can be used in a variety of garden styles. They bloom more during the warmer months, so they are an excellent choice for any landscape in our area!

Visit any of nurseries if you need additional guidance on where to plant this dwarf evergreen shrub. Moon Valley Nurseries offers landscape design consultations that are free at our nursery. Ask us how to revamp any size landscape, whether it is a commercial or residential property. Also, for those that have HOAs, bring your list, and we will help you handpick the perfect trees, shrubs and other plants that we grow here in our local climate. Plant more trees and plants, they are good for the environment and can increase property value!


Jennifer Sanchez

Riviera Beach, FL

"I told the gentleman at when we visited Moon Valley that I wanted Oleander but didn't want them to get 12ft tall. They showed me the dwarf ones and I loved how the leaves are a bit brighter green and have a nicer shape. We had them plant 20 of these in my yard as a hedge and the flowers really bring my yard to life!"


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