Cara Cara Oranges close up
Cara Cara Orange tree close up
Cara Cara Oranges

Cara Cara Orange Tree

Citrus sinensis 'Cara Cara'

  • Delicious and easy to grow
  • Low maintenance
  • High nutrients
Hardiness Zones:
8 - 10
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The Cara Cara Orange tree is a remarkable fruit tree is a must-have for citrus enthusiasts, offering a unique and delicious twist on the classic orange. This unique fruit tree produces large, juicy oranges with beautiful deep pink flesh and a sweet, cherry-cranberry flavor. Its medium size makes it suitable for various climates, while its glossy leaves and fragrant white flowers enhance your outdoor space. Packed with vitamin C, Cara Cara oranges are both delicious and nutritious. With proper care, enjoy a bountiful harvest year after year. Elevate your garden and culinary creations with the captivating beauty and irresistible taste of the Cara Cara Orange Tree. Order yours today!

Discover the finest Cara Cara Orange trees at Moon Valley Nurseries, where our expert nursery professionals have carefully nurtured thousands of these unique citrus trees. With our meticulous attention to quality, you can expect the juiciest and sweetest citrus fruits available anywhere. These highly sought-after citrus trees are a favorite in our region, so make sure to visit any of our locations today and personally select the perfect trees for your yard. Cultivate your own citrus and celebrate a healthier way of eating!


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