Texas Ebony
Texas Ebony
Texas Ebony
Texas Ebony
Texas Ebony
Texas Ebony
Texas Ebony
Texas Ebony

Texas Ebony

Pithecellobium flexicaule

  • Blooms a pretty cream colored flower in the spring to fall months
  • Unique twisting branches which appear fantastic at night in well lit area
  • Outstanding tree for desert landscapes in the southwest
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
8 - 11
Bloom Colors:
Schedule Design Consultation

The Texas Ebony is an outstanding tree that easily fits into any landscape. These sun-loving, drought tolerant trees produce strong canopies during growth, making these burly trees able to tolerate strong winds. An exciting element of Texas Ebony trees is the twisting branches that give it personality and make it easily noticeable when it is placed among other trees. These are small to medium size trees so that they are ideal for any size yard throughout the Southwest!

Texas Ebony trees grow at a moderate rate, which makes the canopy height easily controllable. These trees perform masterfully in hot climates because they are native to the Chihuahuan desert and can accept a large variety of desert soils. Texas Ebony's bloom is a fascinating cream color during the spring to fall months, creating a show in your yard that is sure to get all the right attention!

We like to plant Texas Ebony trees so that everyone can enjoy the view; bigger trees can even provide shade! This tree is an excellent choice for our area and with nighttime landscape lighting installed, you can highlight the unique twisting branches and add some drama! Full sun exposure is ideal and once established, these are drought tolerant trees that can survive the driest conditions. They get bonus points for being able to tolerate wind and compacted soil.

If you want additional guidance on where and how to use them in your landscape, take advantage of our landscape design consultations which are available for free at any of our nurseries! Relax while we do all the work and you can come home to a beautiful new landscape!


Rick Banelli

Riviera Beach, FL

"I always thought desert trees looked like you took all the color out of them. Lots of muted colors of brown and pale green. But I live in the desert and my HOA said I needed an "approved desert tree". When I went to Moon Valley Nurseries, I was amazed at the sheer size and scope of their nursery. So many trees! The guy who helped me out had done a bunch of the yards in my HOA so he knew exactly what was and wasn't approved. I told him I wanted something green and he showed me a Texas Ebony. We picked two of them for my yard and had their planting team come put them in my yard. They look incredible and are so lush even though they are "approved desert trees""


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